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Imen Kacem

Common compression neuropathies not to miss/ small fibers Neuropathies

Imen Kacem MD

Imen Kacem MD, is a Professor of Neurology in the Faculty of Medicine of Tunis, Tunisia since 2023. She is a Neurologist specialized in inherited Neuropathies and Motoneuron diseases. She received a Diploma of Clinical Neurophysiology in 2011 from the Faculty of Medicine of Paris VI, France. She was a fellow at the ALS centre at Dupuytren Hospital, Limoges, France in 2010 and at the Department of Myology at Pitié Salpétrière Hospital, Paris, France in 2013.

She exercises her clinical activity in the Department of Neurology at Razi Universitary Hospital. She is also a research member of the Clinical Investigation Center “Neurosciences and Mental Health”. She is currently the General Secretary of the African Academy of Neurology (AFAN). She authored and co-authored more than 40 original papers or book Chapters.


She has conducted pioneering work in the field of stem cells in Stroke and played a pivotal role in successfully bridging gaps in stroke care delivery systems in India. This was achieved through innovative low-cost measures, including establishing acute stroke pathways across the country, launching Stroke Units, and introducing Stroke Rehabilitation modules. She initiated several national-level programs on implementation research for Stroke Action Plan in India. This includes initiatives like SMART INDIA (App), IMPETUS (educational module), and CARE-DAT (in collaboration with biomedical engineering for assistive devices).

Dr. Padma has also pioneered the inclusion of low-cost non-invasive brain stimulation techniques. She has investigated the effects of Dual-Task Exercise in conjunction with Fluoxetine & Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on postural stability and gait in stroke patients. She has explored the therapeutic potential of yoga in post-stroke recovery and has studied the pathobiology of classical Ayurvedic interventions in post-stroke recovery using Magnetic Resonance and other techniques based on structural, functional, and chemical biomarkers.

Apart from her research contributions, she has been active in bringing science to society and has been recognized with the DST Award for Science Communication. She has been elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Medical Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences. Additionally, she has been honored with the Padma Shri, which is the Government of India’s fourth highest civilian award.


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